Online Metal Promo (OMP) is a US based independent artist / band boutique promotion outfit specializing in the hard rock / heavy metal music genres.
We submit your band news utilizing professional quality music press releases, as well as sending out your latest cd / album by way of a digital download EPK.
The ultimate Prog. Power Metal zine. Waynes band Project Resurrect is featured in an issue as well as our friends in Timeless Haunt. They feature music and bands from all over the world
discussing political headlines as well as finance, philosophy, and ways to prepare for the tyranny that is ever-creeping into our everyday lives. It's an open forum that brings in all types of perspectives as well as opinions.
CatcSaturdays 10:00 AM - Knights of the Storm (Twitter) (Rumble) (Freeworld.FM) (FaceBook)
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